**************************************************************************************************** **************************************************************************************************** SURF-HIPPO QUICK START **************************************************************************************************** **************************************************************************************************** -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* This document assumes that the reader has a basic familiarity with Linux and Emacs, and that bash is the Linux shell. INSTALLATION 1. Download the tarball (surf-hippo.VERSION.PLATFORM.zip) from the Surf-Hippo site Download Directory (http://surf-hippo.neurophysics.eu/download/) to the /usr/local directory and unzip: unix-prompt> cd /usr/local unix-prompt> unzip surf-hippo.VERSION.PLATFORM.zip This will create the /usr/local/surf-hippo directory, and install the system subdirectories and files. Delete the original zip file, and make sure that you have the proper permissions: unix-prompt> rm surf-hippo.VERSION.PLATFORM.zip unix-prompt> chmod -R 777 surf-hippo The Surf-Hippo User Manual is now at /usr/local/surf-hippo/doc/user-manual.pdf, and full installation documentation at /usr/local/surf-hippo/doc/installation/installation.doc.txt. 2. Create (or edit) the .emacs and .bashrc files in your home directory, using the Surf-Hippo examples: unix-prompt> cd /usr/local/surf-hippo unix-prompt> cp doc/installation/.emacs ~/.emacs unix-prompt> cp doc/installation/.bashrc ~/.bashrc UP AND RUNNING - Under Emacs or from a terminal * Running Surf-Hippo under Emacs (Slime) * 1. Start Emacs after installing the .emacs file as described above: unix-prompt> emacs 2. From Emacs, type "M-x slime". "M-x" or "meta-x" means type the ESC key, then type "x", then type "slime" followed by Return (or Enter). This will start the Lisp system, where the main interaction is via the *slime-repl surf-hippo* Emacs buffer, which shows the prompt "SH>". 3. To start the main menu, type in the top level Surf-Hippo function "(surf)" and hit Return (or Enter): SH> (surf) OR Run a demo simulation immediately: SH> (topload "circuits/demos/colorized-n120.lisp") SH> (run) In normal use we recommend using the fully-integrated SLIME REPL and ignoring the *inferior-lisp* buffer that SLIME creates. * Running Surf-Hippo from a terminal window (Linux shell) * 1. Open a terminal window after installing the .bashrc file as described above, and enter the command "surf-hippo". This will start the Lisp system, printing a message followed by the Lisp prompt (here, the Lisp prompt is "*"): unix-prompt> surf-hippo CMU Common Lisp 20d (20D Unicode), running on lyle-Precision-M4700 With core: /usr/local/surf-hippo/lib/images/cmucl-20d-image Dumped on: Thu, 2017-03-16 11:10:04+01:00 on lyle-Precision-M4700 Send questions and bug reports to your local CMUCL maintainer, or see . Loaded subsystems: Unicode 1.28 with Unicode version 6.1.0 Python 1.1, target Intel x86/x87 CLOS based on Gerd's PCL 2010/03/19 15:19:03 CLX X Library Telent CLX 0.7.3 + CMUCL mods, based on MIT R5.02 Garnet Version 3.0 Surf-Hippo Version 4.0, 2/27/17 11:11 am [-1] Surf-Hippo Home: surf-hipppo.neurophysics.eu To start the Surf-Hippo menus enter (SURF) at the Lisp prompt. To start the Surf-Hippo demo circuit menu enter (DEMO) at the Lisp prompt. For help, read the User Manual in the surf-hippo/doc directory. To quit Lisp, enter (QUIT) at the Lisp prompt. * 2. To start the main menu, type in the top level Surf-Hippo function "(surf)" and hit Return (or Enter) * (surf) OR Run a demo simulation immediately: * (topload "circuits/demos/colorized-n120.lisp") * (run) .................................. A good next step is to read the tutorial.pdf in the /usr/local/surf-hippo/doc directory. Next, start with the "Running Surf-Hippo" chapter in the User Manual and go from there....